Sunday, September 29, 2019

Where Are The Adults?

This past Thursday the acting director of National Intelligence took center stage in a House of Representatives hearing. During a three hour grilling in front of the House Intelligence Committee, Director Joseph Maguire fielded questions related to the whistleblower of a conversation between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.  There were many questions surrounding the call in which Democrats accuse there was a "quid pro quo" offer made; where President Trump asked for an investigation to be reopened on former Vice President Biden's son in exchange for (presumably) military aid. Although the transcript of the call never reaches the level of an offer for something else, some have connected the dots to make this argument.

Beyond the circumstances of the call, Democrats were on the warpath against Director Maguire and his handling of how the report from the whistleblower was handled. As I watched the proceedings unfold, I quickly turned my attention from listening to the content of the questions to how the Congresspeople addressed Director Maguire. Listening to these supposedly distinguished people treat a grown adult like a child was maddening. The level of disrespect was off the charts. This was not a partisan issue either. Both Democrats and Republicans were guilty of treating Maguire rudely. I couldn't help but think about how these people lecture us about a lack of civility and here they were routinely cutting off, talking down and downright insulting to a high ranking government official.

I thought instead of documenting these (there were too many) I would let the video speak for itself. Just watch this highlight clip and make up your own mind. How is what you are seeing here civil? Respectful? Helpful? These people are smug, rude and need to be reminded that they are servants.

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